
Measurements and Evaluation
Leadership /Urban Development/ Creative Economy
With extensive experience in sectors such as #education, #publichealth, #governance, #agriculture, #leadership, #gender, #diversity, #security, #conflictandstability, #urbandevelopment, and #sustainability, Kemi has led various large scale projects on performance and knowledge management. As #Head of #Monitoring, #Evaluation, and #Learning on the DFID-PERL project, Kemi led the development and implementation of the results framework and rounds of multi-stakeholder influence tracking.
Measurements and Evaluation
Leadership /Urban Development/ Creative Economy
With extensive experience in sectors such as #education, #publichealth, #governance, #agriculture, #leadership, #gender, #diversity, #security, #conflictandstability, #urbandevelopment, and #sustainability, Kemi has led various large scale projects on performance and knowledge management. As #Head of #Monitoring, #Evaluation, and #Learning on the DFID-PERL project, Kemi led the development and implementation of the results framework and rounds of multi-stakeholder influence tracking.
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